I could panic or fret right now, what with self-quarantining with my wife and kids for the next several weeks. Michigan closed schools until early to mid-April, and public libraries are closed to the public after tomorrow. While I daily wonder about my own sanity, there’s no reason to let the Corona Virus get us all down.
Rather than worry over the nation’s collective sanity (beyond reading any news items), let’s use this time as creatively as possible. I propose calling this time as Corona Con, the first socially-distant online game/geekery convention! You will NOT believe all the many benefits over regular cons!
- No badge fees!
- No lines!
- No missing out on a seminar!
- No long-distance walking between events!
So, what’ll CC2020 entail? No idea. Just going off the top of my stressed-out and ever-graying head.
What can I contribute? I’ll be posting new thoughts, content, and ideas I’ve let grow fallow for more than ten years. I’ll post them as blog posts and/or as curated reposts on the various pages on this site. Thus, even if no one else picks up the ball for #CC2020 or #CoronaCon out in the Interwilds (how I envision the Internet), I’ll be writing as much as I can generate when not hunting up full-time employment, working a part-time job, or indulging in family time.
So, I’ll log off for now, as I’ve got to go plan what and how I’ll get more stuff up here asap. First up, I suspect, will be discussions of what topics and events ought to be. I know I’d love to throw some game ideas out there for folks. Other options may include discussions on good books recently read, movies worth seeing, or random ideas I’ll put forth as mini-seminars on topics far and wide.
Stay tuned for more and don’t forget to do your bit to build and support #CoronaCon and #CC2020!
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